Best Parenting Books

These books offer much needed guidance for those of us called to be parents. As the world has changed, so have kids and teens, which means we could all use a little parenting advice. Watch our review on our YouTub channel and be sure to follow us on Instagram for more book recommendations, parenting advice, and the latest on building strong families.

The Anxious Generation

Written by Jonathan Haidt

Haidt’s book has caused a stir. He believes smartphones and helicopter parenting have caused Gen Z to suffer the worst mental health in history. Levels of anxiety, depression, suicide, and ADHD have skyrocketed since the advent of smartphones. If you want to learn how to help your children navigate a world full of smartphones and social media, The Anxious Generation is a must read.  

Purchase the book or watch our review on Youtube.

Bad Therapy

Written by Abigail Shrier

Bad Therapy asks a very simple question: Why is the generation that has received the most therapy suffering from the most mental health in history? Like Haidt, she concludes part of the problem is parents and smartphones; however, she points to ill-equipped counselors as the true culprits. In her analysis, therapy has gone awry and is causing much more damage than good – and these therapist have more access to children than most parents think.

Purchase the book and Watch our full review.

Strong Fathers, Strong Daughters and Boys Should Be Boys

Written by Dr. Meg Meeker

Few people have the spine to say what needs to be said like Dr. Meeker. Her straightforward approach to prescribing parenting advice is backed by both data and years of experience – and that experience was earned as a practicing physician and mom of four. Both books give us permission to parent our children, which often runs against the grain in our society. If you want to be a better parent, read Dr. Meeker’s books with a highlighter and pen in hand.

Read our full reviews and find more on our YouTube channel.

The Two Parent Privilege

Written By Melissa Kearney

Kearney makes the case for marriage by showing how our nation’s largest economic problems are caused by declining marriage rates and the breakdown of the family. Her data driven evaluation demonstrates why two-parent households remain essential to individual success.

Purchase the book here!

American Covenant

Written by Yuval Levin

Teaching our children about politics is tricky these days because we are living in an ultra-divisive age. But it does not have to be. Yuval Levin contends the United States Constitution has the ability to unify our nation. If you want to read a book that will revive your sense of American greatness and provide hope for a brighter future, read American Covenant – and tell your children all about how civil discourse and bring out the best in all of us.

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