College With No Regrets by Richard Simmons III

Mr. Richard Simmons III, not to be confused with the exercise guru, heads The Center for Executive Leadership and he is the author of numerous books, including The True measure of a Man.

 His latest book, College With No Regrets: Wisdom for the Journey, endeavors to help students and parents focus on what really matters when it comes to gaining the most from college. The past couple generations have witness profound changes with regard to college life. Mr. Simmons seeks to add clarity to what has become a chaotic experience for many. As he writes:

“I witnessed all kinds of issues young people have to deal with that I didn’t have to deal with when I was in college. Young Americans are dying at an alarming rate and are struggling with homicides, suicides, drug overdoses and sexuality…There is no real how-to manual for going off to college. We have found more and more parents are ill-equipped in preparing their children for college, so this book is something parents can use for them and their children to walk through.”

The book is broken down into the following six chapters:

  1. Wisdom for the Journey
  2. Living an exceptional Life
  3. What is True Freedom
  4. Principles to Follow
  5. Human Sexuality
  6. Care of the Soul

Each chapter addresses a different subject, based on a series of essays. The book closes with an analysis of “Our Ultimate Good,” which helps students steady the ruder as they navigate a fulfilling life.  His book centers on helping students learn to make good choices. “These choices will ultimately determine whether you thrive in college, or it ends up being a major disappointment.”

Mr. Simmons is a father of three recent college students, which coupled with his incredible scholarship, makes him uniquely qualified to write on the subject. Every college student and parent of college students would be wise to read Mr. Simmons valuable book – it’s worth more than gold.

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