Teaching Kids About Money and Economics

Teaching the next generation about money and economics is an imperative we cannot ignore. Children and young adults must learn personal finances, as well as understand macroeconomics in order for our nation to prosper. Use these books and courses to help educate your kids on money, economics, taxation, and other subjects.

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Four Indispensable Aids

  1. The Tuttle Twins series tells exciting stories full of wisdom and practical advice. The books bring economic issues to life for younger readers. Each book explains a different concept about money, running a business, or basic economic principles.  Purchase the books here.
  2. Dave Ramsey’s Total Money Makeover (and Financial Peace University) is essential reading for young adults. Ramsey’s no-nonsense approach to personal finances is a guiding light for many and the perfect starting place for young Americans to understand how to handle money. Buy it here.
  3. Hillsdale Collage provides a free 8-part lecture series on Supply Side Economies. The course is taught by leading economist, Arthur Laffer. The breaks down taxation, analyzes data, and introduces various subjects in economics to help views understand how our economy works. View it here.
  4. Thomas Sowell’s book Basic Economics is essentially a college level course on the basic economic concepts. No one takes complex subjects and breaks them down into digestible pieces like Sowell. Purchase the book here.

As President Reagan remarked, our nation has prospered because we unleashed the individual genius of man to a greater extent than has even been done before. In his view, the American economy thrives when taxes and regulation are low. Concepts like these are essential for all Americans to understand how to prosper individually and corporately. The future of our nation depends on how well we teach our posterity, and these four sources are indispensable aids.

Tips for Parents

We parents need to lead by example. Continue learning about economic issues, read to your kids, and surround them with like minded people. The Conservative Book Society is here to help.

For more insight on these topics, read our Tuttle Twin review and follow us on YouTube. You can find us on Instagram.