5 Christian Must Reads

When it comes to reinvigorating your faith, it not easy knowing where to start. These Christian must read books can help you push into your faith this year.  While this is not an exhaustive list, it these books can help wherever you are in your faith journey. 

Mere Christianity by C. S. Lewis 

C.S. Lewis explains many fundamentals of Christianity in his book Mere Christianity. Lewis takes complex issues and makes them digestible. For example, Lewis tackles concepts such as natural law and free will, while also exploring the basic beliefs. 

The Reason for God by Tim Keller

In his book, The Reason for God, Tim Keller explains why believing in God is rational. The crux of Keller’s book is providing a foundation for believing in an age of skepticism. He addresses concerns from an intellectual position, which helps elevate the conversation.  

A Severe Mercy by Sheldon Vanauken 

At its heart, this is a love story between the author and his wife. As the pages turn, they explore the Christian faith, learn about God’s love, and discover each other. The book is enriching on many levels. 

The Case For Christ by Lee Strobel 

Strobel presents the evidence for Jesus and the Christian faith. From a evidentiary standpoint, he establishes a strong case.  

Confronting Christianity by Rebecca McLaughlin 

McLaughlin presents 12 questions about the Christian faith – very challenging questions – and explains her answers. Her journey as a Christian parallels many people’s journey. McLaughlin’s approach is both academic and personal. 

These Christian books are wonderful reads for everyone from curious to lifelong Christian. If you want further suggestions, checkout our Instagram and YouTube pages. You might also like a selection from our bookshelf. Wild at Heart and The Meaning of Marriage are two great reads.