Tuttle Twins Books Review

Civic education is in decline. Most high school students know little about government, economics, and the virtues of our republic. Even fewer understand budgets, finance, or accounting. Starting and operating a business is now completely outside the scope of most school’s curriculum. Connor Boyack seeks to remedy that problem with the Tuttle Twins books.

The question our society must ask is this: If students are not learning these subjects, who among them will provide goods and services or help keep various layers of government functioning? 

Perhaps there is a better question: How can we educate young minds now so talented leaders in the future will know how to operate our government and advance free market capitalism?

The Tuttle Twins books are the best answer to these questions. 

The Tuttle Twins Series

Connor Boyack wrote The Tuttle Twins series to help explain basic principles of economics and government to children. His books teach subjects schools don’t, but should. According to Boyack:

“Each book in this series focuses on a different aspect of the principles of a free society: free markets, competition, individual rights, the non-aggression principle, personal responsibility, protectionism, and a variety of other issues—all boiled down to core concepts that children of different ages can easily grasp.”

The question sometimes arises: Are The Tuttle Twins books conservative or liberal? They are unmistakenly conservative. Conservative for most purposes is characterized as prioritizing liberty, free-market economics, limited government, and traditional values. Each of the books illustrates these values and much more. Skip to the end for a listing of our favorite Tuttle Twin books.

Below is a brief description of the books currently available:

  • The Law introduces concepts of individual rights and the role of government.
  • The Miraculous Pencil uses pencil making to demonstrate how free markets operate.
  • Creature from Jekyll Island shows children basic concepts relating to money like inflation and central banking.
  • Food Truck Fiasco teaching kids about starting a business and regulations and how they can harm business.
  • Road to Serfdom is a kid’s take on F.A. Hayek’s famous work. The twins learn how government action can have unintended consequences.
  • Golden Rule demonstrates why the golden rules is important in everyday life.
  • Search for Atlas introduces Atlas Shrugged to children and why it would be bad for the “producers” of the world to disappear.
  • Spectacular Show Business allows readers to see how difficulties and rewards of entrepreneurship.
  • Fate of the Future leads Ethan and Emily to a better understanding of why government coercion and bullying is far worse than working together and persuasion.
  • Education Vacation demonstrates the value in having the freedom to explore and learn according to your individual interest.
  • Messed Up Market explores the ups and downs of business owners.
  • Leviathan Crisis shows kids all the pitfalls associated with operating in the world.
  • 12 Rules Boot Camp is a go-to guide for valuable life skills.

The Tuttle Twins series also produce books for teens and toddlers.

Our 3 Favorite Tuttle Twins Books

Our favorite books are The Law, Search for Atlas, and the Miraculous Pencil. Links to these books can be found below:

Tuttle Twins Combo Pack (plus free workbooks!)

For more conservative children’s books, read our review here. And if you prefer to watch our review, it’s on our YouTube channel.